Welcome to
Fashion Nail Spa


Take Care of Your Nails Paint Them Color Awesome!

Fashion Nail Spa  has been known for its clean, professional and high-quality services. Our highly trained and qualified staff ensures that you can trust our services. For the best results and your safety, we use only branded and high-grad products. We take hygiene and sanitation standards seriously and all precautions are taken to guarantee it. With a relaxed atmosphere and a wide range of quality services, you are sure to have an amazing experience at Fashion Nail Spa.


Hands and feet work for you a lot, sometimes they need vacation, too


Hands and feet work for you a lot, sometimes they need vacation, too

Nail Enhancement

Nails fill in services at nail salon mean re-balancing of your nail….

Every year we help thousands of women feel and look even more stylish!

When you feel like your daily work routine really exhausted you, feel free to come by.Our professional manicurists will do their best to soothe and calm your body & mind!Choose any color of your nail polish – and we will make it work for you!

About Us

Treat your makeup like jewelry for the face. Play with colors, shapes, structure – it can transform you

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venenatis vitae sapien. Aenean vel viverra est. Vivamus mattis elementum diam, vel dapibus purus porta a. Nunc nec urna sed orci tristique cursus. In tempor iaculis ege

Quality Services

Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty; it’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.


Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty; it’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.

Certified Experts

Makeup is not a mask that covers up your beauty; it’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.
0 +
Years of experience

Get in Touch

Ut mi sapien, hendrerit vehicula diam sollicitudin, iaculis commodo augue. Sed feugiat et ligula quis lobortis. 

Contact Info